Football fans are the real GOAT of football

The greatest sport fans in the world are football fans. is a football consensus platform and forum made by football fans for football fans around the world. This is an online community for passionate football fans to vote for what they believe in and discuss their ideas and honest opinion without the fear of being censored or ignored by social media algos.

Messi, CR7, Pele or Maradona might be in the GOAT Debate, but the true GOATs are football fans around the world. But we believe the mainstream media, including pundits, journalists, bloggers, football influencers do not represent the interest and opinions of most football fans around the world. They appeal more to their followers while alienating a large section of football fans. is a sharp disruption to the standard. You can vote and share your views on our platform, share it with your friends and meet new football fans around the world who share your views.

Messi, CR7, Pele or Maradona might be in the GOAT Debate, but the true GOATs are football fans around the world.

Spread the word and let’s start the greatest online community for football fans around the world!!!


Are football fans the greatest sports fans in the world and all time?